i'm alright... i guess

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So my dad's going back to brunei tomorrow with my mum.
And heck, Chinese New Year's just another ruse.
Everyone's wound up like a spring and
forgetting the rest of your priorities, at least for now,
enjoy this last merry-go-round. It's just another novacaine dose.

Friday, January 27, 2006

you call me the anti-social elite.
But have you ever wondered,
ever taken a single minute of your dim-witted life,
to even ponder that by dressing up
in expensive punkish aka gothic aka tattered clothing,
you have actually turned yourself into
society's fly in the swatter?

Monday, January 23, 2006

You call it a discussion

but what's the point of it when you've already

made up your mind beforehand?

Friday, January 20, 2006

"Seniority does not bring the sweet blissfulness of life, neither does it pay to be a junior all the time. So we should just go straight to hell. And heck, don't bother getting cremated as your remains would eventualy become fossil fuel for humanoids millions of years later."

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

well we've gotten nailed

you tell me why

when we've been bombarded with lies and

face subliminal mind-control messages.

Take Cover